Gameware has developed AVAMAKER - a photo realistic 3D avatar solution that can be delivered in real time across all connected devices.

The avatar features real time physics and photo realistic 3D hair rendering - a step change for avatar realism.
Simulating hair and its movement is a major technical challenge, usually only seen in pre-rendered sequences such as in Pixar movies and next-gen console games.

Our technology models each strand of hair as a 3D object – creating parent/children clumps of hair that can be shaped, styled and coloured virtually – without the need to undertake any physical testing.

GWE is currently delivering a number of commercial applications in the diverse areas of Police interview skills training, business management and beauty product training.

Beyond hair, GWE plans to support make-up, facial jewellery/glasses/hats and props and tattoo modelling. Aside from generating attractive 3D models, the GWE avatars are AI driven with a full emotional range and motion captured animation.

The models behave with moving hair, real time lighting and reflect accurate physical properties.

Our avatar technologies allow users to create photo realistic avatars of themselves and thereby supports a more immersive interaction between the user and their avatar/s.